If you need cash quickly for your boat or don’t want to miss the next opportunity of that craft you’ve got your heart set on; we may be able to assist by offering you a competitive cash purchase price for your boat, easily & discreetly.

Power & sail, we will consider every boat.

Let us have as much information about your boat as possible along with some pictures, details on recent service & maintenance work carried out & we will then provide you with a rough price.

We will then organise with you a viewing & trial on your boat where the price will be confirmed. If you are happy to proceed we will take care of the paperwork & pay you within 7 days saving you broker’s fees, on-going berthing & service costs & ultimately your time!

We will require that your purchase & title documentation is together & would ask you to let us know in advance if you think there is something missing; we can sometimes help you trace any missing documents.

Please note there is no obligation to accept our offer.


Please provide details in the form below:

    Your details

    Your full name:

    Your email

    Your phone No.

    Your boat details

    Boat Make:

    Boat Model:



    Engine/s make:


    Engine hours:

    Your comments & inventory:

    Documentation available

    Proof of VAT?

    Builders certificate?

    Bill of Sale for last 5 years?

    Any outstanding finance?

    If yes, finance provider & amount outstanding:



    We will aim to get back to you as soon as possible with a no-obligation quote for your boat.

    Tick this box if you wish to receive future communication form Brighton Boat Sales.

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    Tick this box if you agree to the Brighton Boat Sales Terms and Conditions (required).

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    or call us on:

    07867 303737


    We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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    Registered Office: Brighton Boat Sales Ltd, Unit 1D East Lockside, Brighton, BN2 5HA Registered in England No: 8287797 VAT No: GB 151 7064 29

    Copyright © 2018 Brighton Boat Sales - Site Designed and Maintained by Eko UK Ltd

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