Attract Attention!  You Want As Many People As Possible To Know Your Boat Is On The Market.

Even though buyers may first look online when shopping for their new boat, the ‘For Sale’ sign is still an important form of advertising your boat.   The ‘For Sale’ sign generates an immediate call to action about your boat.  As the seller, you would expect your agent to encourage potential purchasers to call for more information.  When seen, the ‘For Sale’ sign will encourage any potential buyer to make an immediately call; this presents an excellent opportunity for us to discuss all of the wonderful features of your boat & coordinate an immediate viewing.

Brighton Boat Sales, being an established broker with premises onsite to conduct professional meet & greet appointments with all our clients, have authorisation to display ‘For Sale’ signs from all our clients boats within Brighton Marina.  Additionally, we can go one step further & arrange for your boat to be relocated over onto pontoon 19, the pontoon that runs between East & West jetty’s, where she will also benefit from the massive passing audience that walk the marina on a daily basis.  This coupled with a ‘For Sale’ sign will guaranty your boat will get the maximum reception possible.

Our office is located East Lockside, end unit adjacent to the lock, why not come in for a chat & see how be can best assist you in getting your boat sold, quickly & efficiently.


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Registered Office: Brighton Boat Sales Ltd, Unit 1D East Lockside, Brighton, BN2 5HA Registered in England No: 8287797 VAT No: GB 151 7064 29

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