As the boating season comes to its natural close and winter edges closer we are still seeing people out on the water in their RIBS; wrapped up warm and grinning from ear to ear as they bounce from wave to wave.

We spoke with Paul Waine, Manager of Hove Lagoon at Brighton Marina, if things were quietening down for them on RIB Charters and why he felt inflatable boats were a popular choice right now, “We are not quietening down at all, we are just doing a Power Boat course right now on our RIB.  I believe the reason people enjoy their RIBS is that they are incredibly sea worthy, great fun and very stable at high speeds.”

Southampton Boat Show saw massive interest in people looking into purchasing our GRAND inflatable boats & RIBS.  There still is an incredible amount of people who are interested in getting afloat and many of those looking over our GRAND RIBS were first time buyers and young families looking for a very complete and competent RIB that would suit their boating requirements.  GRAND offer such a huge range, there is a model in every possible class and requirement that anyone could ever possibly need.  We have taken on a number of these RIBS as stock, available now for viewing in our Showroom in Brighton Marina and recently acquired floating dock that we intend to sit our new GRAND Golden Line 650 upon.  GRAND inflatable RIBS are well made and look sleek, smart and fun.  Over 15 years they have been using state of the art design and engineering and they are raising the bar in quality and finish and as a result from huge positive feedback at the Southampton Boat Show are a brand not to be overlooked!

The great thing about ownership of a RIB is there is very little clear down after a journey.  Unlike a sail boats where you are packing away the sails and stowing or un-stowing all your gear, these inflatable boats need a quick hose down or a cover over them, engine raised, and you are ready to head home, to the pub or pop it on to a trailer.

We have a variety of sizes available now, why not come in and talk to us, whether for professional or recreational uses, we are sure to have something for you.

Links to Current Stock
Golden Line 650
Golden Line 500
Golden Line 340
Silver Line 300 Deluxe
Silver Line 300 Sport


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